Parish Councillor Roles and Responsibility
Sutton Benger Parish Council is comprised of 11 Councillors. The current Councillors are:
- Janet Campbell
- Ruth Gaunt
- David Spencer
- Neil Roynon
- Claire Mansfield
- Daniel Errington
- Adam Carwardine
- Jeremy Haselton
- Garry Prewett
- Vacancy
- Vacancy
If you would like more information about being a Councillor please contact the Parish Clerk
Want to be a Parish Councillor? – Download the application form
Councillor Areas of responsibility
- Chair – Adam Carwardine
- Vice-Chair – Jan Campbell
- Planning Lead: Ruth Gaunt (Garry Prewett)
- Emergency/Flood Planning: Garry Prewett
- Highways/Parish Steward: Daniel Errington/David Spencer
- Grounds Maintenance/Assets: Jeremy Haselton
- SID/Community Speed Watch: Adam Carwardine
- Environment: Neil Roynon
- Neighbourhood Development Plan: Ruth Gaunt/Neil Roynon
- Personnel: Jan Campbell
- Rights of Way & Footpaths: Ruth Gaunt/Jan Campbell
- School Liaison: Jan Campbell
- Social Media/Communications/PR: VACANT
- Community Engagement: VACANT
- Village Hall Liaison: Claire Mansfield (Adam Carwardine)
- Website: Linda Roslyn (Parish Clerk)
- Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer: Linda Roslyn
- Church Piece: Richard Gaunt (non-Cllr representative)
- Flood Warden: Joe Williams (non-Cllr role)
View the Register of Interests
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