What powers do Parish Councils have with respect to planning applications?
Parish Councils are consulted by the relevant Planning Authority (which could be either the District/Borough Council, the National Park Authority or the County Council) on all planning applications. Any views expressed by the Parish Council will be taken into account by the Planning Authority before a decision is made, providing the points made are relevant to the determination of a planning application. The final decision is made by the Planning Authority, not the Parish Council.
2023 – Gladman Proposed Development – At this stage, it is usually in the developer’s interest to show that they have ‘engaged with the community’ and show that the results of any consultations have been taken into account when they submit their planning application to the Local Planning Authority (in this case Wiltshire Council).
- The Clerk will be collating any comments from local residents and you can submit them to here.
- Residents are also welcome to come along to the Annual Village Meeting on Wednesday 24 May 2023 at 7pm – 9pm in the Village Hall, where they will have the opportunity to talk to our Ward Councillor Howard Greenman, members of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Team and to leave details of any comments they wish to make.
- The Parish Council will arrange a Q & A session (if necessary) once we have received an outline planning application as the rules of pre-determination mean we have to be very careful about giving an opinion, either way, before this. These are the Material Considerations that do and do not apply when we make decisions on planning applications.
Planning Consultations for the Parish of Sutton Benger
Details of planning applications are available through the North Wiltshire planning portal (external link)
The Campaign to Protect Rural England’s (CPRE) website provides useful information and advice about the planning process and how to comment on an application. The eight-step guide will help you find out more about a planning application, support it or challenge it. There are sample letters that you are welcome to use to object or support an application. Link to the CPRE website. (external link)
Download the CPRE guide here: How to respond to planning applications (external link)
If you have any questions about local planning in the Parish please contact the Parish Clerk.