Referendum for the Sutton Benger and Draycot Cerne Neighbourhood Plan is Thursday 27 February 2025 Polling Station is at Sutton Benger Village Hall – polling hours of 7am to 10pm)

The plan is intended to promote sustainable development in the area while preserving its historic environment.

Why should you vote? Having a NDP in place empowers our community to have a say where homes, business and other developments should be built.  It carries legal weight, once adopted it becomes part of the statutory development plan for the area.  And it gives us access to funding; with the plan in place, we get a larger share of the Community Infrastructure Levy to fund local projects.

The plan will be available for public review at the Village Hall, Wellesley Arms, and All Saints Church in Sutton Benger Notices and other documents have been published on the Wiltshire Council website at:

The election plan and supporting documents will be publicised on the Wiltshire Council website


Flooding Emergencies and Gel Sack Requests – Parish Councillor and Flood Warden – Garry Prewett – 07310 285735

STORM BERT – please let us know if you suffered internal flooding to either your home or business in Sutton Benger. We are collating this information to send to Wiltshire Council – Contact Cllr Garry Prewett.

For details on who to contact and where to get further help please open this poster.

Property Flood Resilience (PFR) Measures – visit The Flood Hub website for help and advice on adapting your home/business so that if flooding does occur, the damage is far less, and recovery can happen far more quickly.



Rights of Way

Please STAY ON THE FOOTPATHS and KEEP YOUR DOGS ON A LEAD AT ALL TIMES AND PICK UP AND TAKE HOME YOUR DOG’S MESS – most of them are on private land and you only have permission to be on the official paths.  Free copies of the Rights of Way maps are available here.

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The parish of Sutton Benger in North Wiltshire stretches from the hamlet of Draycot Cerne in the west, through the village of Sutton Benger to the River Avon in the east, and from the Household Recycling Centre in the north to the National Trust’s field of Special Scientific Interest in the south. The medieval village layout of a High Street with a parallel Back Lane (now Chestnut Road) and a staggered cross roads beside the 13th century Parish Church formed by Seagry Road and Bell Lane is still clearly identifiable, even though a large housing estate doubled the size of the village in the 1970s.

The village straddles the B4069 and is close to junction 17 of the M4, giving easy access to Swindon, Bath and Bristol, as well as benefiting from more local amenities in nearby Chippenham, with trains to London and Bristol.

The village boasts excellent Pre- and Primary Schools, Doctor’s Surgery, and a modern Village Hall with Recreation Ground, as well as the Bell House Hotel, Wellesley Arms and La Flambé restaurant. The Church is popular with tourists who come to see its famous Green Man carvings and medieval embroidery.

This vibrant and friendly village supports sports clubs and other groups, catering for a wide range of interests and activities for all ages from the Babies & Toddlers Group to the WRVS Over 60s Club.

Parish Statistics:

From the electoral roll as at 1st December 2022, the Parish Statistics are:
Properties: 562 (approx)
Electors: 1029

Precept for 2024/25: £15,499.66