HEDGES – Cut Back Before the Bird Nesting Season Starts on 1 March

Please be aware that, as the owner of a boundary hedge which borders a public footpath or footway, it is the responsibility of the owner to trim back side growth which protrudes or encroaches over the footpath or footway and affects its use by pedestrians.

Trimming should ideally be carried out before 1ST March, which is the commencement of the nesting season and to a point which is behind the paved surface of the footway as defined vertically or boundary perimeter of the footpath. 

Trimming can be undertaken throughout the year as necessary, but this may affect nesting birds and should be avoided where possible.

Please take an honest look at the outer face of any boundary hedges you have which border a footway or footpath and arrange for the necessary work to be done.

Thank you

Report an Overgrown Hedge, Verge or Footpath to:

  • Wiltshire Council Street Care Service – 0300 456 0105
  • MyWilts App or Online Reporting – www.my.wiltshire.gov.uk