Clerk’s Report: October 2017


Linda Bragg, Parish Clerk contact details – Tel: 07757 351584


New Parish Councillor – the Council were pleased to co-opt Sarah Kelly onto the Council.

Parish Councillor Vacancies – we still have 3 Vacancies on the Parish Council.  To be an effective Council and to properly represent the whole Community we really need to fill these vacancies – if you are aged 18+, on the Electoral Register for the Parish and would be interested in joining the team please contact the Clerk.


17/008454/FUL – 14 Queens Close – Single storey flat roof extension forming family room & study – No Objections.

17/08536/VAR – Stone House 37 Chestnut Road SN15 4RP – Variation of Condition 8 of N/02/02930/FUL (Dwelling house and garage) to allow for alterations to the front wall – No Objections.

17/08914/FUL – 19 Cowley Way SN15 4SD – Two storey side extension, conversion of part of existing garage & pitched roof to existing sunroom – No Objections.

Finance – the Clerk asked Cllrs to consider any village projects for inclusion in the Draft Budget for 2018-19 to be presented at the next meeting.

Highways – The Parish Steward will next be in the village on 6/7 November 2017 – please report any issues to the Parish Clerk.

Road Closure – B4122 from J17, M4 to Draycot Cerne 20-Nov to 8- Dec 2017 will be closed between 20.00 and 06.00 for Wilts Council to undertake works for A350/M4 improvements.

Pavement/Footpath Improvements List 2017-18 – the 2 pavements nominated for inclusion on Wiltshire Councils List were on Sutton Lane and the High Street at the entrance to French Gardens.

Household Recycling Centre Refurbishment Programme – The Centre at Stanton St Quintin will the CLOSED FOR REFURBISHMENT from 4 December to 18 December 2017.

Wiltshire Waste Management Strategy Consultation – Wilts Council needs to develop a new waste management strategy in order to shape how they collect and manage household waste and recycling in Wiltshire.   They are undertaking a public consultation in order to ensure that their strategy is representative of Wiltshire residents’ and stakeholders opinions on the future delivery of household waste management services.  The consultation questions have been developed as a result of workshops with council members which took place July 2017.

We would like to encourage as many residents, members and local organisations as possible to complete the consultation. The consultation runs from 4 September 2017 and will be available to complete until 14 November 2017. Residents can complete the consultation survey on the council’s website –

Following the consultation, the draft version of the future waste management strategy will be circulated to all respondents, including Area Boards, in January 2018 in order to ensure that it is reflective of consultees’ comments. It will then be reported to Environment Select Committee, Cabinet, and full Council to be adopted.

Next Parish Council Meeting – The next Parish Council meeting will be on Wednesday 8 November 2017 in the Village Hall, commencing at 7.45pm.