Benger Blaze Saturday 9 November 2019
Can you Help?
The Benger Blaze is the main fund raiser for the Village Hall Charity and relies on volunteers to keep the event going. In particular we need volunteers for:
Friday 8 November 10:00 for turf cutting and fence erection and at 14:30 for bonfire building.
Saturday 9 November 10:00 for Marquee erection, signage and general preparation. At 16:30 we need a number of volunteers for BBQ, Bar and Stewarding (ending at 19:30)
Sunday 10 November: 10:00 for general clearance and turf relaying. Hopefully complete by 13:00. Dog walkers can pick-up debris beforehand if there bring a bag.
Refreshments will be available for volunteers together with an safety equipment.
If you would like to get involved please contact John Carlyon (Chair) or 07985413003 or 01249 720597 or simply turn-up and introduce yourself!