Wiltshire Council – Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
Temporary Closure of: Various Footpaths, Sutton Benger (Ref: TTRO 7578)
Notice is hereby given that the Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily to all users:
A) Footpath 8 (Part), Sutton Benger; from its junction with Footpath 34, Sutton Benger to its junction with Barrington Court;
B) Footpath 9, Sutton Benger; from its junction with Footpath 34, Sutton Benger to its junction with B4122;
C) Footpath 12, Sutton Benger; from its junction with Seagry Hill to its junction with Seagry Road;
D) Footpath 18, Sutton Benger; from its junction with Seagry Road to its junction with B4069.
To enable: Wessex Water to carry out construction of new sewer.
Alternative route: via an alternative route using Public Highway. The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs.
This closure which was due to expire on 01 October 2021 will now continue in force until 01 April 2022 or until completion of the works, whichever is earliest. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works. The Order has a maximum duration of 06 months.
For further information regarding this closure or for details of the diversion route please contact Darran Shaw 01443449200 or the Senior Rights of Way Warden, Stephen Leonard on 07771721255.
Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN