B4122 Urgent Closure 9-12 January 2024

WILTSHIRE COUNCIL HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that on 09 January 2024, the following length of road shall be closed to all traffic in the interests of public safety to enable Kiely Bros to carry out urgent carriageway retexturing and other associated maintenance works..
B4122, Sutton Benger; from its junction with A350 to its junction with B4069.
Alternative route: via B4069, B4158 and A350 and vice versa.
The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs. Access will be maintained for
residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works.
These works will commence on 09 January 2024 and are anticipated to be required for 4 days between the hours of 19:00 and 05:00. This Notice will have a maximum duration of 5 days.
For further information regarding these works please contact Atkins on behalf of Wiltshire Council on 01225

Scottish & Southern Electricity Network

Engineers from Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) Distribution are responding to the impact of Storm Henk which has brought a period of intense storm-force winds and heavy rain across central southern England.

If you see any damage to our equipment, please stay back, don’t touch it and instead report it to us directly via our Power Track website or by calling 105, and engineers will investigate as soon as possible.

Customers are also being encouraged to report any power losses and respond to supplies by:

  • Saving the emergency power cut number – ‘105’ – to your phone to report any loss of supply or damage to the electricity network
  • Visiting our Power Track Website to give you details of power cuts and restoration times. You can also report power cuts and network damage through Power Track.
  • Visiting the “Preparing for a power cut” section on our website, where there is a wealth of advice and information, or to chat live to one of our advisors via the Webchat service

Customers are also eligible for our Priority Services Register (PSR) if they:

  • Are deaf or hard of hearing
  • Have a disability
  • Live with children under five
  • Are blind or partially-sighted
  • Have a chronic illness
  • Use medical equipment/aids reliant on electricity
  • Are over 60.

To find out more about the PSR, click here or call 0800 294 3259.

B4122 – Urgent Closure 30 October-1 November

WILTSHIRE COUNCIL HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that on 30th October 2023, the B4122, Sutton Benger; from its junction with A350 to its junction with B4069, shall be closed to all traffic in the interests of public safety to enable Kiely Bros to carry out urgent carriageway retexturing and other associated maintenance works.

Alternative route: via B4069, B4158 and A350 and vice versa. The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works.
These works will commence on 30th October 2023 and are anticipated to be required for 3 days between the hours of 19:00 and 07:00. This Notice will have a maximum duration of 5 days.
For further information regarding these works please contact Atkins on behalf of Wiltshire Council on 01225

Wiltshire Local Plan Consultation

Local Plan consultation begins next month with in person and online events  
The consultation for the Wiltshire Local Plan begins on Wednesday 27 September, with in person events being held across the county to enable you to find out more, and runs until Wednesday 22 November 2023.

The Local Plan sets out the vision and framework for housing, infrastructure and land for employment growth for the next 15 years. Once adopted, all planning applications will be determined against the plan, making it the most important place-shaping document for Wiltshire.

Tuesday 3 October, 3pm – 7pm – Olympiad Leisure Centre, Sadlers Mead, Chippenham SN15 3PA – You can just turn up in person this event.

There is also a live webinar-style event online on Tuesday 10 October, 6.30pm – 8pm, but you will need to register beforehand for the online event.

More information about the Local Plan consultation including dates and locations of drop-in events

B4122 (part) Urgent Closure

Thursday 20 July 2023 – B4122 (Part), Sutton Benger; from its junction with B4069 to outside the entrance to its property known as Westbrook Farm 20th July 2023 will be closed to all traffic for 1 night between the hours of 20:00 and 06:00 (in the interests of public safety to enable Vodafone to carry out emergency splicing and associated works).

Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works.

Wilts Council – Draft Design Guide Consultation

Wiltshire Council is consulting on a Draft Wiltshire Design Guide, which is intended to be a supplementary planning document and has been prepared to support the Wiltshire Core Strategy and the emerging Local Plan.  

Consultation documents 

The Draft Wiltshire Design Guide and information on how to make comments will be published on 3rd July 2023via the Wiltshire Council website at:  


Hard copies of these documents will also be made available during normal opening hours at all libraries and at the three main council hubs (Monkton Park, Chippenham; County Hall, Trowbridge; Bourne Hill, Salisbury). 

How to comment 
Comments are invited on the Draft Wiltshire Design Guide for 4 weeks from the 3rd – 30th July. 

Comments can be made: 
 • Online via the Council’s consultation portal: https://consult.wiltshire.gov.uk/portal

• By emailing designguideconsult@wiltshire.gov.uk and requesting a form which will need to be returned to that email address.  

• By post in writing to: Design Guide Consultation, Natural and Historic Environment Service, Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JQ.  

If responding by post, please use the  forms that are available online and from the libraries and main council hubs. 

Solar Together Scheme 2023

Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council are working with iChoosr, independent experts in group-buying, to launch a second Solar Together scheme, following the success of the first in 2022. The Solar Together scheme offers a cost-effective way for residents and businesses to purchase solar panel and battery storage installation.

See Wiltshire Council Briefing Note for full details.

Register without obligation from 5 June: in Wiltshire via the Solar Together website.