Clerks Report from the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 11th November 2015.
Public Forum Session: The following issues were raised:
- Concern about the removal of trees at The Old Farmhouse. Cllr Pope advised that the erection of a fence on top of a wall had been refused.
- A request for the Parish Council (PC) to ask Cllr H Greenman to call-in the application for the dry stone wall at 66 High Street (15/09153/FUL). Cllr E Pope stated that following advice from Cllr Greenman the PC were not prepared to do this and that the application had in fact now been approved, subject to conditions, by Wilts Council.
- Whether the PC would continue to address the matter of the grass verge fronting 62-68 High Street. Cllr E Pope advised that the PC had previously taken the decision not to pursue this matter any further.
Vacancies for Parish Councillors: Cllr Pope informed the meeting that Cllr G Woodville had resigned and that there are now 4 vacancies on the Council. The Clerk has produced a leaflet that will be distributed, with the December Parish News, to every household in Sutton Benger and Draycot Cerne to raise awareness of the Parish Council and the vacancies.
Finance: The Cllrs were asked to prepare potential projects to be considered for next year’s budget.
Planning Applications:
15/09744/FUL | 10 Manor Farm Drive, SN15 4RW | Single & Two Storey rear extensions | No Objection. |
15/10044/FUL | Lower Barn Kington Langley North to B4122, SN15 4SG | Infill between Converted Barn and Garage, along with Minor Alteration | No Objection. |
15/10590/FUL | 42 High Street, SN15 4RF | Erection of Dwelling and Garage Block | Object. Clerk to draft a response |
Neighbourhood Development Plan: Cllr K Smedley gave an update and advised that the next Consultative Meeting was on Monday 23rd November 2015 in the Sutton Benger Village Hall. It was agreed to provide seed funding from the Parish Council budget for 2015-16.
Highways & Wiltshire Council Matters: It was noted that the Parish Steward scheme would be resumed in April 2016 by Wilts Council. It was agreed to support an application for a Speed Indicator Device to be shared with Christian Malford, East Tytherton and one other Parish Council.
Website: Cllr E Pope thanked Cllr K Pound, along with Cllr K Smedley and L Bragg, for the improvements to the Parish Council website. It was agreed that Cllr Pound would liaise with the Village Hall Management Committee to provide a link to their website.
The next Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council is on Wednesday 13th January 2016 at 7.45pm in the Sutton Benger Village Hall.