Clerk’s Report: February 2016

Notes from the Parish Council (PC) meeting held on Wednesday 10th February.

Four Councillors, the Parish Clerk and 2 members of the public attended the meeting.


A Community Grant of £100 was approved for the Sutton Benger Rugby Football Club towards the provision of new goalposts.

Planning Applications

Consideration was given to planning application – 16/100506/TCA at 3 Manor Farm Drive.

The PC resolved to make no objections to the application.

New Councillor

Mr Malcolm Bines was co-opted onto the Council – he was warmly welcomed by all present.

Defibrillator (Wellesley Arms)

The new cabinet has now been installed and the PC has now taken up responsibility for and maintenance of this Defib.

Crossing on the High Street

Following a disappointing response from Wiltshire Council who have put the matter on hold – it was decided to look into carrying out our own informal pedestrian count before committing expenditure to a formal one (which will cost approx. £1,000-£1,200).


It was agreed that Cllr Pope would liaise with the NDP’s Flooding & Drainage Group prior to the PC updating its Flood Plan.

Annual Parish Meeting

The Council will be inviting Meril Morgan, Wilts Council Arts Development Officer to make a presentation at the APM on the S106 Arts Contribution of £24,000 awarded to the village.  If you would be interested in joining a small team (4-5 people) to discuss possible Arts Projects for the village please contact the Clerk.

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 13th April 2016 starting at 19:30.  This will be your chance to get an update from village organisations, including the Parish Council, about what has happened in the last 12 months and their plans for the future.  There will short presentations with ample opportunity to ask questions during the meeting followed by light refreshments and informal discussion afterwards.

Next Parish Council Meetings

The next Parish Council meeting will be on the Wednesday 9th March in the Village Hall starting at 19:45