Update From Sutton Benger Parish Council Meeting on 11 January 2017
Consideration was given to 3 planning applications:
- 16/11427/FUL – Land adj. to Sharplands, Sutton Lane, SN15 4RF – Proposed development of fourteen new houses – Object
- 16/11429/FUL – 1 Willowbrook End, SN15 4SW – Replace outbuilding with rear extension – No Objections
- 16/11618/FUL – 2 Box Cottages, High Street, SN15 4RD – Amendments to approved application 15/01417/FUL – Object
Community Grants
The PC were happy to approve applications for Community Grants from:
- Sutton Benger Cricket Club – £500 towards the cost of installing new nets. (A further £500 was also approved from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds)
- Sutton Benger Over 60s Club – £500 towards the cost of a new carpet bowls mat.
Precept for 2017-18
The PC receives is funding from a Precept – this is the parish council’s share of the council tax. A small increase of 2% was agreed, in line with inflation, to £20.70 per household (an increase of 41p). The additional funds will go towards a bigger pot of money for Community Grants and maintenance of grassed areas no longer being cut by Wilts Council.
B4069 – Are you fed up with the state of the High Street?
The Parish Council have requested, many times, that Wiltshire Council Highways resurface the B4069 as it is in such a dangerous condition – only to be told that it “is not in the top 2% of the worst roads in the County”!
The numerous potholes, broken road surface and loose gravel/tarmac pose a serious danger to motorists, cyclists and pedestrians – it is only a matter of time before a serious incident occurs.
To help expedite the resurfacing of the B4069 we would urge you to report issues to Wiltshire Council by any/all of the following methods:
- The MyWiltshire app on your smartphone (available to download at both the App Store (for iPhones and iPads) and from Google Play™ (for Android phones)).
- Tel: 0300 456 0105
- Email: localhighways@wiltshire.gov.uk
- Website: www.wiltshire.gov.uk/parkingtransportandstreets/roadshighwaysstreetcare/mywiltshireregister.htm
Next Parish Council Meeting
The date of the next Parish Council Meeting is Wednesday 8th February 2017 in the Village Hall, starting at 7.45 pm.
Councillor Vacancies
There is currently 1 vacancy for Parish Councillor. Please contact Linda Bragg, Parish Clerk on 07757 351584 / email: parishclerk@suttonbengerparishcouncil.gov.uk for further details and an Application Form if you would like to join our team.