Update from Sutton Benger Parish Council – November 2017
Parish Councillor Vacancies – we have 3 Vacancies on the Parish Council. To be an effective Council and to properly represent the whole Community we really need to fill these vacancies – if you are aged 18+, on the Electoral Register for the Parish and would be interested in joining the team please contact the Clerk.
17/09635/FUL – Oakleigh Acres, Draycot Cerne SN15 5LH – Two Bay Modular Office/Welfare Building & Demolition of Existing Office Building – Support.
17/09786/LBC – Avon Viaduct, Sth of Christian Malford, SN15 4LW – Installation of OLE masts for the electrification of the GWML – No Comment.
17/09908/TCA – 20 High Street, SN15 4RF – Fell 5 Elder (T1, T2, T3, T7 & T18), 1 Leylandii (T8), 1 Plum Tree (T9), 1 Apple Tree (T10), 1 Laburnam (T12), & Remove Secondary Stems from Plum Tree (T13); and 30% Reduction to Apple Tree (T11) – Support.
17/09800/FUL – Land South of Bell House Hotel, SN15 4RH – Proposed re-building of existing outbuilding to create new dwelling with landscaping – No Comment.
17/10158/LBC – Land South of Bell House Hotel, SN15 4RH – Proposed re-building of existing outbuilding to create new dwelling with landscaping – No Comment.
17/03417/OUT – Land South-East of Junction 17 of M4 Motorway, Kington Langley – further revised plans – an update on the current situation was given by Cllr Phil Jones.
Expenditure was approved for improvements to planting, maintenance and tree works at the Gossip Areas (£500) and releasing CIL funds to the Village Hall Management Committee for scoping plans for proposed improvements to the Village Hall.
The Cllrs suggested the following projects for inclusion in the Draft Budget for 2018-19:
- Trim-trail around the Rec
- Cycle rack at the village hall
- Netball posts and hoops at the Rec
Gossip Area at Neville Terrace
The residents of Neville Terrace are to be consulted on proposals to try and improve the gravelled gossip area to the front of properties 6-10.
The Parish Steward will next be in the village on 4/5 December 2017 – please report any issues to the Parish Clerk.
Road Closure
B4122 from J17, M4 to Draycot Cerne 20-Nov to 8- Dec 2017 will be closed between 20.00 and 06.00 for Wilts Council to undertake works for A350/M4 improvements.
Household Recycling Centre Refurbishment Programme
The Centre at Stanton St Quintin will the CLOSED FOR REFURBISHMENT from 4 December to 18 December 2017.
School/High Street Crossing
Following the publication of the Taking Action on School Journey report for Sutton Benger Primary School, Cllr Ben Carter is to liaise with the School Governors to discuss what alternative safety measures can be introduced.
Rights of Way
Two stiles are in need of repair and Cllr Leigh Varnham is looking into the cost of replacing some of the stiles with kissing gates to improve access to some of the paths.
Neighbourhood Development Plan
Two members of the Group presented a comprehensive presentation of their Analysis of housing numbers and the Housing Policy, which is now with the Wiltshire Council Case Officer for amendment and review. Cllr Sarah Kelly was appointed as the Liaison for the Parish Council.
Rural Broadband Performance Survey
The Parish Council would like to better understand the broadband performance that we receive in the local area and have launched a survey to gather the data – please visit the website to complete the survey – http://www.suttonbengerparishcouncil.gov.uk/community-hub/rural-broadband
Remembrance Sunday
Cllr Phil Jones represented the Parish Council and laid a Wreath at the Service held on 12 November 2017. Many thanks to Alison Muir for arranging delivery of the wreath again this year.
Next Parish Council Meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will be on Wednesday 10 January 2018 in the Village Hall, commencing at 7.45pm.