Parish Councillor Vacancies – we have 3 Vacancies on the Parish Council. To be an effective Council and to properly represent the whole Community we really need to fill these vacancies – if you are aged 18+, on the Electoral Register for the Parish and would be interested in joining the team please contact the Clerk.
Road Closure – B4122 from J17, M4 Roundabout to Junction with B4069 Draycot Cerne – will be closed from 18 January – 26 January 2018 (weeknights only) between the hours of 20.00 and 06.00 for Wilts Council to undertake works for A350/M4 improvements. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works.
School/High Street Crossing – Cllr Ben Carter is liaising with the School Governors and the Action Group to discuss what alternative safety measures can be introduced, including a School Crossing Patrol and advisory 20mph flashing signs on the High Street and keep clear & waiting restriction road markings on Chestnut Road. A 25% contribution to the cost of these options would need to be met by the Parish Council.
Gossip Area Maintenance – many thanks to Peter Neale for all his hard work this year in maintaining the Council’s 4 Gossip Areas and cutting the ‘extra’ unowned grass verges and for the improvement work he recently carried out in Cowley Way.
WW1 Commemorative Tree on Rec – many thanks to Norman Hodnett, our resident Tree Warden, for all his help and advice on the tree we have planted at the Rec – it will be dedicated in a ceremony next year to commemorate WW1. Also, many thanks to Cllr Keith Pound and his lovely wife for helping to plant the tree on a cold Saturday!
Rural Broadband Performance Survey – The Parish Council would like to better understand the broadband performance that we receive in the local area and have launched a survey to gather the data – please visit the website to complete the survey – http://www.suttonbengerparishcouncil.gov.uk/community-hub/rural-broadband
Next Parish Council Meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will be on Wednesday 10 January 2018 in the Village Hall, commencing at 7.45pm.
Wishing you all Good Health and Happiness in the coming year, from the Councillors and Clerk.