Letter from Angus Macpherson MBE, Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon:
“I wanted to inform you about the launch of my consultation on the policing precept for 2018/19. I would be grateful if you could share this and make residents aware of opportunities for consultation. The details are set out below or you can access a video of me outlining the proposals at https://youtu.be/lsKkPmUd1Nc
The policing precept consultation which launches today (2/1/2018) is looking for the views of Wiltshire residents on the proposed increase of £12 a year.
Currently the average band D household contributes £14.19 per month to local policing, but if residents back the proposal then this would rise to £15.19 per month.
As a Force, Wiltshire Police has seen the second highest increase in demand across the country in the last year yet the funding we receive from central government doesn’t recognise the increasing pressures our service is under.
In fact we receive the fourth lowest funding per head of population in England and Wales.
Since 2010, Wiltshire Police has received £19 million less but have been responding to more crimes and supporting more members of the public year on year.
Whilst we live in an incredibly safe county, there’s only so far the budget will stretch and we’re streamlining our services to ensure they’re as efficient as possible at the same time as keeping the public safe, but we are feeling the squeeze more than ever. Without this increase Wiltshire Police will have to look at further reductions in officers and staff to close a budget gap of around £3m.
That’s why I am asking whether residents in Wiltshire and Swindon would be prepared to pay an extra £1 a month to help bridge this gap.
This increase will mean that I can protect frontline services from further reductions and maintain the current level of service.
The consultation which runs from 2nd January 2018 to midday 31st January 2018 wants to hear your views on the proposed increase.
For more information on how to share your views please visit www.wiltshire-pcc.gov.uk, you can also email pcc@wiltshire.pcc.pnn.gov.uk or use #AskAngusPCC on social media.
With best wishes for 2018,
Angus Macpherson MBE
Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon”